I'm a lying bitch.
Friends I must apologize for my deception. I have posted pictures on this blog and claimed that they were of me, but this is untrue. The man in the photos is John Bosco, a former friend from days past. The likeness between us is rather striking, but we are unrelated. I thought nothing of claiming to be him, and would still think nothing of it. But just yesterday, John showed up out of friggin knowere and demanded that I set things right. I have stricken the disputed pictures from my blog, and as of this moment claim no knowledge of their ever having been posted.
If you wish to see photos of John B on the sets of various movies, you may access his blog at johnthenobody.blogspot.com John states on his blog that I helped him post his pictures for the sake of helping and old friend. This is false!! The dick head ambushed me under my bridge and made me do it at knife point. John is an egomaniac who thinks he's so cool because he works in
People who work in Hollywood piss me off.
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