Wednesday, March 16, 2005

It's the begining of the end boys.

I Cad Grublygold am not political, and I do not use this blog as a political forum, truth be told I do not favor any party, but believe firmly in the mob rule form of government. I think the party in power should be the party who can get the biggest pitchfork wielding mob together the fastest. With all that said however, once in a great wile I come across a story so extraordinarily stupid that I am forced to comment.

The other day, wile stuffing my hole riddled shoes with newspaper to guard against the recent cold snap, my gaze happened to fall upon a story so insane, so completely brainless as to shatter my thin faith in humanity.

Two years ago a twenty something peace activist from the U.S was over in Palestine protesting the Israeli occupation, in the course of her vigorous protests she sat down in front of a moving bulldozer. Now any sane person could tell you that this was not the smartest course of action, but she apparently was not aware that bulldozers are built mainly for the purpose of squishing stuff, and that pitted against a human they will almost always win. ( I say almost always, because just last week I stumbled drunkenly into the path of an oncoming bulldozer, and seconds from death my shirt was sucked into the intake manifold , causing the unfortunate machine to spontaneously combust.) But this is the exception not the rule and in the case of the girl, win it did. The driver, unaware that a small stupid object was in its path, lowered the blade and spread her moronic carcass across the ground like butter on toast. End of story right? Live and learn you stupid feeb? NO!!! OF COURSE NOT!!!! BECAUSE IN TODAYS FUCKED UP BACKWARDS SOCIETY, IT’S NEVER THE IDIOTS FAULT, ALWAYS SOMONE ELSES. The family of the girl is now suing the Israeli government, (as if they had anything to do with their daughter’s lack of brain power)
And if that was not stupid enough. Get this; the family is suing the Caterpillar tractor company for millions claiming that they sold the bulldozer to the Israelis for the sole purpose of squishing retarded American girls. The parents ranted in the article that their daughter was murdered, killed in cold blood, the thought that maybe their daughter had no right going to a forin country to protest the creation of an Israeli wall to stop the slaughter of its people never even entered their thick sculls. The fact that the only way a bulldozer can really stop is to hit something, and that lying in front of a moving one is mentally akin to kicking a pissed off lion in the genitals wile wearing an antelope costume seams to have escaped their attention.

Upon finishing the article I could only stand open mouthed. As the implications of what this lawsuit could do to society as a whole started to sink in I collapsed trembling on the ground. I may well have committed a messy suicide right then and there, but luckily the Barbiturates and Spanish Fly that I pounded down for breakfast kicked in, and I lapsed into a coma that I only just came out of. This world is doomed boys and girls. Make no mistake about that, we are witnessing the beginning of the end. And I say fuck it, let it end, I’m going back under my bridge with my blowup girlfriend and my amphetamines to wait for it.


Blogger Latigo Flint said...

Well you're occupying Newt territory you oppressor! The word is out, you can expect the demonstrators any day now.

March 17, 2005 at 11:11 AM  

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