The tower is fixed.
I do believe that I finally figured out what was wrong with my internet receiving tower, as I have stated before, a beaver gnawed down my hundred foot tower thinking it was a tree. Then upon seeing his mistake attempted to fix it, but as is the case so often the attempted repair ends up causing more damage than the original mistake. It’s been driving me crazy trying to figure out what all he did, but then last night I am almost certain I found the problem!! That wacky beaver connected the transmodular wire to the jiggy bong transceiver, then he molded the fragg blasticator voomping device to the nit port. It was an honest mistake really, once I found the problem it was a simple matter to re ply the dingy blat cable to the spaggnump box, and tune the wigg dish to pick up my internet signal and relay it to my bridge.
Now though with my tower up and running, I no longer need to detonate the massive bomb that I found while gold mining in Bear Creek. So I am left with the question of what to do with it. At the moment it is sitting beside my bridge with a sign hung on it that reads, “This is not a huge bomb”. That way no one will get suspicious. But truth be told I would rather not live next to it. As well as being a pain to live around, the bomb has also become a security risk, word somehow leaked out that I had a giant bomb, and now it keeps getting stolen by the different warring hobo factions that live along Bear Creek. As much as I don’t like living with it, I still sleep better knowing I have it rather than someone else, like the homeless Mimes of M Street for instance. They stole it one night, and pantomimed blowing it up in a crowed shopping mall, it was a horrible sight to see, but as soon as they all were mimicking being blown to bits, I managed to steal my bomb back and return it to my bridge at
Those mimes think they're soooooo frickin' clever don't they - picking M street indeed.
Clever indeed mister Flint, still waters run deep.
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