Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I did not before today think it possible that one could laugh so hard that his spleen would come out his nose, but after hours in the hospital having a team of doctors painfully stuffing my spleen back into it’s proper place, I am now a much wiser man. My mistake was simple enough, I strolled into the local Barnes & Noble in Merced, and began browsing through the various new country albums. Barnes & Noble has a neat feature that allows one to swipe a CD across a scanner, then listen to a thirty second preview of any song on the album. All was going well until I came across Willy Nelsons newest song titled,
Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other. By god, there ought to be a warning on this one!! I played the song woefully unprepared for it’s content, and what happened next I have already mentioned.
After my release from the hospital I returned to Barnes & Noble where they gave me a free copy of this album due to my earlier troubles in the store. I now plan to take this CD back under my bridge and attempt once more to listen to this song at really low volume while wearing earplugs to prevent a repeat of my earlier mishap. One day I might be able to turn the volume up, and perhaps even remove the earplugs once I have built up an immunity to the song. I do not wish by any means to discourage one from buying this album, but be aware that this one particular song should be approached with extreme caution.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentines *&%#@ Day

Despite all my efforts to stave of this past holiday, ( Running in circles counter clockwise does not turn back time) Valentines Day has again arrived. For all those who have sweethearts to warm their beds on cold rainy nights, FUCK YOU!! You need read no further. For all the rest of you, you may have an idea what I feel at this time every year. It has been almost 18 years since I have had a girlfriend, and now living under a bridge like I am, I can only look forward to another 18 years of the same.
I spent this past Valentines Day in much the same fashion as I have spent the last 18, sobbing drunkenly on the urine stained floor of a shithole bar clutching at the hem of the waitress’s dress every time she passed by. At two in the morning when they finally tossed me out I crawled to my Drunken Train Dodge Bridge, and sat on the tracks clutching my knees and listening to Leonard Cohen songs until I passed out and fell off the bridge into the creek. (Whew thank god it’s over) With this holidays passing, every day now brings me farther away from it, instead of towards it, and that is definitely a good thing for the sake of my sanity.


Monday, February 13, 2006


Just what in the hell was NASA thinking when they sent a monkey into space? Can you imagine what would have happened if he had been picked up by a passing alien craft. The only logical answer would be for them to believe that the monkey was Earth’s master race, and that shamelessly scratching ones buttocks and flinging poo were traits that the inhabitants of this planet deemed as acceptable behavior. In the tense and oftentimes dangerous world of inter galactic politics I should hope that we could do better than a monkey as a potential candidate for ambassadorship.

In the 1960’s we set foot on the moon, a remarkable feat to be sure. But leaving behind a commemorative plaque and flag is just asking for trouble. We do not own the moon, touching something is not grounds for declaring ownership, I cannot simply stroll down the street planting flags and plaques on peoples lawns and expect it to go uncontested. ( I know this because I got drunk one night and tried it.) Maybe the moon is free land, and maybe it’s not, but before we go sticking flags into things I think more research should be in order. If years from now the Human race finds it’s self dragged before judge Blork in the intergalactic high court, don’t for get I told you so.

Not to long ago we fired a missile at an asteroid. WHY?? To all the scientists who say we can unravel the mysteries of the universe by studying asteroid dust I say BULLSHIT, you assholes just wanted to see if you could hit one. Well you did, you happy now? Oh sure you say that the effects on it’s trajectory are negligible, but two thousand years from now when the thing wanders three millionths of a degree off course, glances off another asteroid it would otherwise have missed, then wipes out 99 percent of life on earth we all will know who to thank.

The biggest blunder by far, was the Voyager space craft. I hardly know were to begin on this one.
Voyager was designed to make a leisurely stroll through our solar system, then use the gravitational field of Saturn to slingshot into the vast reaches of space. I must first question the wisdom of this, I am strongly of the belief that our continued existence on this planet is due in large part to the simple fact that nothing has noticed us yet. Blasting probes at people is a good way to get un noticed in a hurry.
On board the Voyager is a picture of a small dark skinned man holding up a large white baby. Lets think what an alien race could decipher from this.

A: Kidnapping babies is considered a sport on this planet.
B: The male spices on this planet is capable of giving birth.
C: Hey aliens!! Look at this nice fat baby, want it? Well come an get it.
D: The males on this planet are all dark skinned dwarfs, and the females all look like fat white babies.

Along with this rather odd photo, the space craft also contains a taped greeting in six different languages.
I can see it now, “Hey Splork, can you understand what the hell their saying?” “Umm nope.”
“Ok how bout now?” “Not a clue.” “Well how about this then?” “HEY I’ll be dammed! That’s French.”
Call me a pessimist but I really doubt that sending a greeting in different languages is going to make much of a difference. We should have sent a message in Binary code that said please don’t kill us, our planet is rather small and uninteresting, hardly worth the trouble of crossing the voids of space to wipe us out.

My last and by far the biggest problem I have with the Voyager mission, is that the space craft is powered by Plutonium, the most deadly substance on earth!! One spoon full of this stuff would be more than enough to wipe out the population of a large city for the next billion years. And we just sent some poor unsuspecting race of aliens enough of it to kill every living thing on their planet. What is the first thing an alien race is going to do upon discovering our little craft?? They are going to dismantle it, and when they do………..What the hell NASA?? And god forbid the aliens should realize ahead of time what we’ve sent them. It’s an open declaration of war if I’ve ever heard one.

So by all means NASA, reach for the stars, but for Christ’s sake use a little common sense, or the stars may just reach for you.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


“Hey, what’s the worst that can happen?”

“ Well, only one way to find out I guess.”

“ Do those things always look at you like that?”

“That’s weird, I could’ve sworn it wasn’t there a minuet ago.”

“Hey Jeb! Lookit what I can do.”

“I’ll just go out an have a look-see.”

“I think their finally gone.”

“You think this thing is loaded?”

“It’s more afraid of you than you are of it.”

“I wonder what this button does?”

“If you stand perfectly still it can’t see you.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve done this before.”

“Do you think it wants a piece of my sandwich?”

“I don’t think you need another drink Kid Relish, I’m cutting you off.”

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Search For The Saddest Sound In The World

One morning not to long ago I awoke from a fitful sleep. Peeking out from under the bridge I faced a cold foggy morning. It was always cold and foggy in Merced, but this morning was worse than usual. Minuets later while scuffing about on the banks of Bear Creek looking for my breakfast, a most pitiful sight emerged from the mist. A young man dressed in jogging attire was kneeling on the path, desperately grasping at the ankle of a pretty young women who was likewise dressed. “Oh god please he sniveled, I swear to god It’ll never happen again, you just can’t leave me alone like this.” The young women, her beautiful face contorted with rage gave her ankle a hard jerk, spilling the man onto his face. “ I can’t even go jogging with you she raged, I turn away for one instant and you are in the arms of another woman.” “It was the fog” he cried. “We collided by accident I swear!” “Good bye” the pretty woman said coldly, and stalked away into the mist. “Noooo” the man wailed, “noooo god no come baaaaaaaaaaaak” But the women was gone. I stood unnoticed in the murk and studied him thoughtfully, his snot filled nose was making snail trails on the wet pavement as he continued crawling spasmodically forward. He was making some awfully sad noises, maybe the saddest noised I had ever heard, But were they? Or were there sadder noises out there? Right then I decided to go on a quest for the saddest noise on earth. I wandered aimlessly through the M.St. Park, and soon spied a cute little girl playing on a swing set. In her hand was a huge red lollypop. I quickly closed the distance, and was at her side before she noticed me. Looking up she was at first surprised, but then smiled sweetly. It was obvious that a fear of strangers had not yet been beaten into her head. With one quick swoop I snatched the lollypop from her hand and dashed it to the ground. “Oh, sorry little girl I sneered, “but don’t worry, one side is still clean.” her face showed hope, but as she reached, I brought the heel of my boot down on the big red lollypop with a sickening crunch, over loud in the morning air. For a moment she stood still, staring at the broken mess that once had been her lollypop, then she sagged to the ground, fat tears welling up in her blue eyes, I listened closely to her quiet gasping sobs full of hurt and betrayal. It was quite a sad sound I assure you. But was it the saddest? I decided to press on. Soon I came to the railroad tracks that run through the muddy back lots of town. With a quick look around I saw a forlorn looking hobo sitting on a wooden box, and clutching a bottle of whiskey like it was life it’s self. I ambled over to him, lifting my hand in a friendly wave. Weakly he returned it, and in doing so nearly toppled of his box. Obviously he had been at his bottle for quite a spell. That looks like good whiskey I said. Mind if I have a sip? “Jusht a shmall one” he replied. “Itsh all I have to keepish me warm” I took the proffered bottle, and smashed it at his feet.
“Buh wuh wibbish??” He could not at first speak, but then launched into a string of drunken oaths, followed by a horrible blubbery caterwauling. As the poor hobo lay in the mud bawling into his beard, a train whistle sounded far off through the fog. Yes!! This was almost it, but still I walked on. Passing the local cemetery I saw an old Scotsman standing by a grave, attempting to play the bagpipes while crying. I was almost overcome by a melancholy so deep that before I knew what I was doing, my hands had grasped a length of rope, and had tied it in to a noose. I only just managed to stop my self from slipping the noose around my neck. This just had to be the saddest sound in the world. Then I spied a pair of Mourning Doves sitting on the dew soaked grass. Mourning Doves mate for life, if one in a pair dies, the other will lose the will to live, refuse to eat, and parish as well beside it’s mate. Armed with this knowledge I crept up on the Doves who were pressed together watching the sun rise. Grasping a large rock, I bashed the Dove on the left into a bloody pulp. The surviving Dove did not understand this. He urgently prodded his mate, willing her to rise so that they could escape from me into the trees, but it was no use. The male Dove raised his beak to the sky, and sang for his lost love. One note so pure and sad, that had I not wisely been wearing ear plugs It most surely would have killed me. I had found it!! The saddest sound in the world. I happily trudged back towards my bridge, but as I approached the fountain near Apple Gate Park I was brought up short by a sight that will forever haunt me. There beside the fountain in the pale misty light of dawn I saw a Scotsman crying because his little girls icream cone had been knocked out of her hand, by a Hobo who was diving to save his whisky bottle, which ultimately broke and killed one in a pair of Mourning Doves. The Dove never saw it coming because it was busy watching a sobbing man whose girl had just left him for throughing her kitten into the creek. Unwisely I had removed my earplugs, and thus was left defenseless against the sound which followed. My world turned inside out, I convulsed violently and sprawled onto the ground. Spasms wracked my body, my fingers clutched into claws, tore deep grooves in the dirt, then all went black.
I awoke many hours later to find that all involved in the incident had dropped dead. Victims no doubt of their combined sadness. Only distance had saved my life, had I been any closer I would surely have died with them. Deeply shaken I crawled back under my bridge. With time, drugs, and alcohol my wounds would heal.