Monday, April 25, 2005

Cad Grublygold Gives You Now,

Ten Reasons Why Bat’s (the kind you maim people with) Are Better Than Babies.

1: Bats are intimidating. Babies are not.

2: Bats can be used to maim someone. Babies, if swung by their ankle can cause a fair amount of pain, but fall short of maiming, and there for should be considered sub par in a street scuffle.

3: Bats don’t pee on you.

4: If left in a locked closet for half a year, bats don’t _ _ _

We regret to inform all readers of this blog, that the content of this post has been deemed un suitable by the internet watch dog group, NOPE. (No Offending People Ever)

Nope. Apologizes to all readers for the inconvenience this has caused, but contends that the intended content of this post was cruel, demeaning to infants, and not in the least bit funny. Implied infanticide is not a matter to be laughed at, it is a matter for the courts. Shame on you Mr. Grublygold!!!!!!!

We instead bring you the poetry of the famous contemporary French author, Renwaux De Bleh.

Oh sun ont ma fass, kees me lah a bootyfull madmozell oft springh.

Brrringh too me bach a buquet oft rrrosses yoo maidens brrest oft a moon.

Oh a lack zat I shhood die zo yong andt whhilt as doz a flahwer undar zee face oft broken love. I die…… forgeet me loov I die……….


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