Monday, January 30, 2006

Posting Mav's

Due to the unfortunate destruction of my internet tower, which I had oh so cleverly constructed out of coat hangers and tinfoil, I am forced to walk down to the local Starbucks to post on my blog. I cannot however just stroll on in there and start posting, as they have a very strict anti Cad policy. The various reasons for this are way to numerous to mention, so I won’t go into it, but because of this ban I am forced to wear a disguise. To day I was dressed as a White Mocha Frap. I waited until the door was opened then rolled stealthily across the floor to a quiet table in the back. Once there I logged on and began making minor revisions to my Mavericks piece before posting it. I was almost done, when a voice spoke up from behind. “Hey” said the voice. “That article is wrong, you can’t possibly have done what you said you did.” Irritated at the interruption I turned around and came face to face with a surfer. “And why the hell not?” I asked. “Errr, well for one thing you are a White Mocha Frap, you don’t have legs.” I sighed, this was going to be one of those days. “ I’m not actually a White Mocha Frap” I replied a bit testily, “I just have to dress as one to get into Starbucks.” “Ahhhhh, ho kay, gotcha bra, I knew you wasn’t a real frap.” I rudely turned my back on him and continued typing. Seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder. “You say in that article you’re writing that you surfed Mav’s , but I never seen you out there.” I slowly turned back around “You’ve never seen me, because I disguise my self as a breaking wave so the other surfers stay away from me.” He nodded his head slowly, a thoughtful expression crept over his sunburned face. I went back to typing. Soon however there was another tap. “What?” I snapped! This guy was really starting to get to me. The surfer grinned and leaned in close to me. “Seeing as how you’ve surfed at Maverick, isn’t it just totally awesome how all the hot girls just like totally want to sleep with you!! I’m like so tired from fighting them off that like the sea is my only refuge. But I’m sure you know all about that being like a fellow big wave rider and all…….” What ever else he had to say I’ll never know, because at that point I’d had enough, and using the straw that I had glued onto the top of my head, I poked him in the eye. Ahhhgh!! NOT COOL MAN!! He yelled, collapsing onto the floor. I quickly hit the send


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